1550 Richland Road
Marion, Ohio 43302


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In Luke 18:15 we find Jesus in the prime of His ministry; teaching and training, healing and delivering. It was during this time that ones began to bring their children to Him to be blessed. The disciples, focusing on the importance of all that Jesus was doing, thought that the children were a bother to Him. But oh, the opposite was true. The Lord rebuked the disciples. "Let the children come to me" he said, "and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." He went on to say that "anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

There is so much for us to learn from these few short sentences. What is it about children, and what is our responsibility to them?

MCC is dedicated to experiencing with children all that the Lord has for them. It is vital that each child knows Him personally; learning of His love for them, of His plan for them, and of who He can be in their daily walk.

Contact our Center Kids Director VICTORIA WEBER if you are interested in becoming an ADULT ROLE MODEL (ARM) 

Another part of our responsibility is to ensure the safety of your child. We do this in many ways:

  • by utilizing computerized "Check-In Stations" for your child as they enter our care and a supervised "Release Process"
  • through having a team of volunteers that have shown themselves worthy to minister to children
  • through completing background checks on ALL who volunteer
  • by having a handbook which describes in detail our responsibility to you and your child (and yours to us) DOWNLOAD HANDBOOK HERE